Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer Fun!

 The second half of 
Summer went by in a 
blur but was a lot of fun!

We had a Teddy Bear week and each
child got to talk about their stuffed friend.

We made Teddy Bear crafts.

We had a Teddy Bear Picnic.

Several rooms had an 
ice cream week.

With the Olympics in Paris, we
had a week to learn about France.

Our DIY macarons.

Olympic week was filled with
crafts, sports and games.

All the kids love Water Week!

Beach was our theme 
during water week.

Our clam-shell snacks
were yummy.

The last week was a Picnic theme.

Ants on the tablecloth.

Ladybugs for our snack.

The last day we made hotdogs.

We made a snack necklace.

So long Summer!