Thursday, November 29, 2018

Deck the Halls

We’re decking the halls and trimming
 the trees to get ready for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November Novelists

Before Thanksgiving our Pathways
friends made some creative books.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we learned
about where the Native Americans lived
and what life was like for the pilgrims.

We wrote in our books
 about our own houses.

We made pizza books on Tuesday.

The kids wrote about the Pizza Feast
that they had in preschool.

They also wrote what was their
favorite type of pizza.

Fun times in Before Care!

Sisterly love!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving Cooking

Everyone is getting ready 
for the big feast!  In Pathways
we have been cooking, too.
Corn muffin turkeys were on the menu.

We all talked about what our
favorite dish is for Thanksgiving.

Oreo turkeys trotted in another day.

Our turkey creations continued
using sugar cookies.

We discussed our many blessings
and made cornucopias.

Colored corn kernels were
used to learn sorting.

We also made a pattern
and then re-created it.

Stringing beads to work
on our fine-motor skills.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Pizza Feast

The Preschoolers celebrated 
Thanksgiving with a Pizza Feast.
They enjoyed sharing food with their friends.

We hope that all of you have
a wonderful Thanksgiving.