The Preschool Bonus Room
put on their chef hats last
week and made special
creations using apples.
Monday we made Apple Smiles. |
Apple slices for the lips and marshmallows for the teeth. |
We cooked applesauce another day. |
Apple nachos were on the menu Thursday. |
During the week we talked about where apples grow and which kind is our favorite apple. |
Friday we made apple pie in a cup. |
One day we made shapes with dough - did anyone make an apple shape?!? |
We "climbed" the apple tree to work on our balancing skills. |
In the gym we played apple-themed games to improve our gross-motor skills. |
Our table game station. |
Painting with water colors in the Art area. |
Paging the doctor to the dress-up center. |
Our first responder from the First Experience Room! |
Dancing in the bubbles. |
Song time. |