Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Nurse Visit

Last week the First Year Preschoolers 
had a visit from Nurse Ali. 
So much was  learned about 
being heart healthy!
Nurse Ali gave us heart stickers
 and asked us to place them
 where we think our hearts are.

Nurse Ali brought along a bike pump
 to teach us how hearts pump blood
 through our bodies!

We learned how our heart works
 with the rest of our body.

We talked about what foods are
and are not good for our heart.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Healthy Teeth

Having good strong and healthy 
teeth is very important to all
 of the Preschoolers.
We talked about brushing skills, healthy
 food  and visiting a dentist this week.

We even tried brushing at school on
 a special tooth that we made messy.

Brushing is hard work!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Beach Party

We took a break from the cold
weather and hit the beach!
Beach Party week in the
Preschool Prep Room!

Playing in the "sand".

Picnic at the beach.

A dip in the water.

Special beach tattoos.

Of course we watched "Moana".

In the Preschool Bonus Room we
had our February cooking week. 

We made heart snacks for Valentine's Day.

We also made lollipop butterflies
using hearts for the special day.

Wednesday we created owls.

Snowflakes were made out of
pretzels and marshmallows.

For dental health month we made mouths using
 apples for the lips and marshmallows for the teeth.


Using our emotion shapes in
the First Experience Room.

Playing with our Spider Discovery Basket.

This builds dexterity and problem solving skills.


Playing the Memory Game.

Having a snack in After Care.