Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thanksgving Cooking

 We made our own feast 
in Pathways the full week
before Thanksgiving!

Our November cooking week
starting with making owls.

We created these teepees on Tuesday.

Wednesday we stirred up
a festive Trail Mix.

Turkey Cookies were on 
the menu for Thursday.

Friday we made Brownie Turkeys.

Our short week before the
break we made name turkeys.

This helped us learn the
letters in our name.

We talked about our favorite
food for the big day.

We also talked about being thankful
for our many blessings.

We worked on our numbers
with this seasonal game.

A favorite counting puzzle.

Working on cutting skills.

Free time to play.

Hanging out in the gym.

Still getting outside when we can!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pizza Feast

We are thankful for all
of God's blessings,
especially those in the 
gift of your children. Have
a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Pizza Feast put smiles on all of
the preschoolers as we gave thanks
and enjoyed a special treat.

The preschoolers met a puppet named
Chef Combo that taught them about
dairy and eating healthy.