Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Visit with the Dentist

 February is Dental Health
Month, so the preschoolers
had a visit from a Dentist!

Dr. Kemlage taught us
the importance
of proper brushing.

We also learned how to floss.

We discussed healthy and
non-healthy foods and
how they affect our teeth.

Dr. Kemlage showed us how
bad foods create cavities and
what that does to our teeth.

We watched a movie for more
information about dental health.

We will all have beautiful smiles
Thank you Dr. Kemlage!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Valentine's Day Parties

 The preschoolers celebrated
Valentine's Day last week
with festive parties.

We enjoyed tasty snacks.

Creative crafts were made.

It was a blast playing 
games with our friends.

Some of us got to hear stories.

It was a great day!

We also had our monthly
color day last week: PINK!

We made things that are pink.

We wore our pink clothes.

We are having fun learning our colors!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Inside / Outside

 Typical of St. Louis,
one week we had a day off 
school due to icy conditions
and the next week the 
temperature was in the 60s!

If it's rainy or too cold we have
a nice, big gym to play in.

We love when it is nice
enough to get outside!