Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Circus Week

We are thrilled to be back!
In Room 4 we are starting off 
with a few weeks of "Summer
Activities" themes...aka things we
 wanted to do while quarantined!
Last week was Circus Week.
What's a circus without a clown?!?

Our treat for Tuesday was
an ice cream clown.

We played a game of "Roll-a-clown".

We also played Circus Bingo.

Thursday we mixed up a batch of puffy
paint to make our cotton candy craft.

We had cotton candy scented play-doh!
We used real cotton candy for an experiment.

What happens when you pour seltzer
over the cotton candy??

Not only does the cotton candy disappear -
it also makes a very sweet drink!

Of course we sampled the drink and
ate some cotton candy.

Later we made a Circus Snack Mix.

Both days we ran through
 the Flaming Hoops!

"Ringmaster Says" was another fun game we played.

Making the most of the dress-up area!

Playing with our table games:
Marbletick and Counting Cows.

Silly time in the gym.

Relaxing on the playground.

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