Tuesday, January 5, 2021

'Twas the Week Before Christmas

 We had a great time leading up
 to our Christmas break
 in Pathways!

The last full week before break
we wrote our monthly books.

Monday we made carrot books
and wrote what we know about
reindeer, what they eat, and
if we leave treats for them
on Christmas Eve.

Tuesday was a day to write about snowmen.
Have we built one?
Do we like to play in the snow?

Wednesday we made wreaths and
wrote about our plans for the holidays.

Thursday we made a name tree.
We are Jesus' children and our
name is in HIS book!

Friday we made ornament books. We wrote
inside the book about our favorite
ornament and decorating our tree.

We had a great week learning about
everyone's family activities and traditions!

The two days before break we had our cooking
 week. Monday we made brownie trees.

Sugar cookies were on the menu Tuesday!

Here we are playing "Don't Spill the Beans!"

"Roll a Gingerbread" game.

Christmas Play-Doh.

Special hand- and foot-print craft.

Matching shapes and colors.

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