Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January Cooking

 It was time for our
monthly cooking in 
Pathways last week.
The cold weather blew in
some snowflakes.

In Preschool the kids made
a fireplace, so in Pathways
we made the fire!

Roasting marshmallows
over the fire.

Thursday Miss Stephanie
brought her popper and
the kids really enjoyed
watching the popcorn pop!

The popcorn was spread out
and the kids used candy to
make a snowman.

Friday we created an owl using
a tortilla, crackers, cheese
and some candy pieces.

Whoooo's hungry?

We work on our cutting skills
in the Art Center.

We also have lots of
other options, like
stencils, markers,
 crayons, etc.

Another art activity is
the paint dobbers. 

We also have fun table games.

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